Specijalno za oktobarski broj magazina HUPER, Handsome Furs odgovarali su na pitanja Svetlane Đolović o SubPop-u, radiju, ‘vatanju, Evropi, Kanadi, mrtvima, novoj ploči…

HANDSOME FURS HUPER #443 [10/2008]

Najbolja stvar u vezi sa Sub Pop-om?
Besplatna pica i kafa u kancelariji u Sijetlu. I to što na odeljenju isporuke radi Mark Arm, pevač “Mudhoney”.

Najbolja stvar u vezi sa radijom?
To što predstavlja pravu slobodu govora i može da dopre do velike populacije čak i u vreme strašne nemaštine i sukoba. U svom najčistijem obliku radio je još uvek glas naroda. A tranzistor košta hiljadu puta manje nego kompjuter. Naš dolazak u Srbiju inspirisala je, između ostalog, i knjiga o radiju B92.

Najbolja stvar u vezi sa Istočnom Evropom?
Sve. Tamo je sve je moguće.Ima osećaj za umetničku inovativnost koja je neverovatno uzbudljiva i sasvim drugačija od naše. Čini se da u umetničkim krugovima ima manje onog smorenog ‘o, kako je sve dosadno’ stava, koji je preplavio kulturu u ostalim delovima sveta.

Najgora stvar kad ste duo?
Traženje mesta za ‘vatanje kad ste na turneji.

Najgora stvar u vezi sa zimom?
Vukovi. Izgladneli vukovi koji lutaju za hranom i skloništem.

Najgora stvar u vezi sa indi muzikom?
Toliko toga… evo konkretno: kardigan džemperići, kilavi muški glasovi, previše pesama o osećanjima a premalo o životu….gde su nestala muda?

Kakav je pravi Plague Park? (park Ruttopuisto u Helsinkiju, leži na masovnoj grobnici žrtava velike kuge 1710, po kom su “Handsome Furs” nazvali svoj debi album, p.p.)
Lepo mesto da se popije pivo u proleće. Plus, svi ti leševi učinili su da trava bude stvarno zelena.

Vaš omiljeni ritual?
Piće i pljuga odmah po završetku koncerta, dok smo još znojavi. Brčkanje nogu u okeanu. Pravljenje jutarnje kafe.

Ko ne bi prošao vašu ‘kontrolu face’ (p.p. – ovi ‘kontrolori’ se nalaze na ulazu u elitne ruske klubove, i na osnovu izgleda gosta odlučuju ko može da uđe, a ko ne. “Handosome Furs” su planirali da novi album nazovu Face Control)
Svi oni koji prođu regularnu kontrolu. Mi bismo puštali ‘sumnjive’ face.

Grad koji mrzite i zašto?
Kalgari, Teksas Kanade.

O čemu se radi u priči “Handsome Furs” ? (priču je napisala Alexei i po njoj su dobili ime, p.p.)
O ženi sa jednim plućnim krilom koju napadnu i do smrti izmuče životinje odbegle iz obližnjeg zoološkog vrta.

Especially for the october edition of HUPER, Handsome Furs answered a couple of questions about SubPop-u, radio, making-out, Europe, Canada, dead people, new album…

HANDSOME FURS HUPER #443 [10/2008]

Best thing about sub pop?
Free pizza and coffee at the offices in Seattle. Plus Mark Arm from Mudhoney works in the shipping department.

Best thing about radio?
The best thing about radio is that it’s a free public expression that can reach a large demographic even during times of extreme impoverishment and hostility. In it’s purest form it is still the voice of the people. A transistor radio costs a fraction of a computer. (Before coming to Serbia we were inspired by the English-language book about the B92 radio station.) 

Best thing about Eastern Europe?
Everything. Anything is possible. A sense of artistic newness that is wholly different to us and deeply exciting. In the arts community there doesn’t seem to be the same jaded attitude that exists in a lot of the rest of the world.

Worst thing about being a duo?
Trying to find a place to make out on tour. 

Worst thing about winter?
Wolves. Hungry hungry wolves. Finding food and shelter.

Worst thing about indie music?
You name it. A few particulars being: cardigans, weenie male vocalists, too many songs about feelings not enough songs about life, where did the balls go? 

Impressions on the real “Plague Park” (Ruttopuisto)? (“Ruttoppuisto is a place in Helsinki, where a bunch of plague victims were buried. It sort of started as a place that was outside of Helsinki, but then Helsinki sort of grew around it. Now it’s the one green, beautiful area in the very cubic, sort of Soviet façade of the rest of Helsinki. It’s where all these kids go and drink and have good life and stuff. And it’s just weird that it’s about all these dead people”)
A good place to drink beer in the Spring time. Plus all those buried bodies make the grass really green.

Your favourite ritual?
Sweaty post-show drink and cigarette. Putting feet in oceans. Making coffee in the morning.

Who would not pass your “face control”? (“The working title for the album, “Face Control,” was inspired by an aspect of club culture the band observed while it was on tour in Moscow. When you go to the bar there’s no guarantee you’ll get in because there’s this thing called face control. You line up and if they don’t like the way you look, you don’t get in. We became obsessed with this idea. We wrote three songs on the train back from Moscow, and that’s turned into a whole album.”)
All the people who pass regular face control. We would have negative face control.

Name the city you hate and why?
Calgary, the Texas of Canada.

What is ‘hadsome furs’ short story about?
A dying one-lunged woman who gets saved by being trampled to death by escaped neighbourhood zoo animals.

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